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Theatrical Clown

Clown teaches us to begin from a simple, energized presence; to develop trust in our creative impulses; to sustain the pleasure of complicite with our partners. Clown nurtures our sense of play.

Above all, clown helps us accept our own unique ridiculousness, which brings our full humanity to the forefront and transforms our habits of restriction into skills of open expression.


Each class begins with a physical warm-up and/or a series of movement games. This is followed by a progression of solo and group exercises and improvisations designed to help you experience your clown and the world of theatrical clowning. The smallest mask, the red nose, is utilized as a tool for transformation in the second section of each class meeting.


Materials Fee: $5 for a clown nose and elastic string.


Dress: Please wear comfortable clothing – the class includes both physical activity as well as observation of each other’s work – consequently students may want to wear more than one layer of clothing.

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